Own your favorite character's NFT
For the optimal experience, please follow these steps on your mobile device.
​​Step 1: Open an account on Metamask.io
- Add funds to your MetaMask account and purchase Ethereum coin (0.04) to cover the cost of your NFT.
​​​Step 2: Add Metamask to your web browser's extension.
-This must be done in order to purchase the NFT.
Step 3: Click "Gain Access" on this page.
Step 4: Click the "Mint Now" button on the NFT page.
Review the purchase details and confirm the transaction in your wallet
It's similar to a lottery—you’ll receive a randomly selected NFT from our exclusive collection of 37,000 unique designs. Each piece is one-of-a-kind, ensuring that no two are alike!
After the transaction is confirmed, the NFT will be transferred to your wallet. You can view your NFT in your wallet or on the Etherscan platform.